The 2013 conference saw the launch of our Great War Project, the Home Front 1914 - 1915. At that time several members volunteered to take part in an initial pilot study to gain information and an understanding of what sources might be available and what topics might be explored before launching the main project.

A small pilot study group gathered information using a draft data collection sheet, which contained eight research categories. Each category in turn included several sub-categories. Pros and cons were discovered, as well as further subjects that could be investigated. The final data workbook was developed and sent to all project members in late January 2014. This workbook includes the aims of the project Find out about the aims of the project and what types of research are possible

In the course of local community research, many new finds and sources are being discovered. One project member, who is particularly interested in the National Egg Collection for the Wounded, contacted the publishers of Poultry World as part of her research and this has prompted them to include a short article on the subject in the April 2014 edition. Other project members have discovered local war poems and had articles about their research published in local newspapers.