The Carters Mini-Project
Just to clarify this is a mini project based on the occupation of Carter.
We are going to use two definitions of Carter taken from the Dictionary of Occupational Terms as the starting point for this mini project (023 Farm Servants – distinguished as in charge of horses and 719 Drivers of Carts (Horse) ). For information about the Dictionary of Occupational Terms see below:
As members are located all over England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland each member research a Carter from their own area. All these individuals are then added to the main database which produces a picture of Carters living and working all over the United Kingdom (UK). This is what FACHRS is all about looking at the national picture from a local perspective. (Members who live outside the UK can chose a place to research, it could be where they have a family connection. They are then sent a Carter as detailed below and can research them using all the sources they have available on the internet – so no one is left out all members can take part).
How does the mini project work?
There is a list of questions to be answered concerning the Carter on an Information Sheet which is sent to the member along with the name of their allocated Carter. The Carter is chosen from the 1881 census. The questions are not exhaustive; they are used to provide the information for the Carters database. This database is used for comparative purposes and provides the data for the Final Project Report which is written up by the Mini Project Co-ordinator.
Members are encouraged to write a narrative based around the questions that have been asked. Hopefully, they will find out much more information about their Carter that will be included in the finished narrative that is sent in. They also include sources with referencing – the format for these is described in the FACHRS Guidelines for writing for the Society Newsletter and Books. In many cases they include pictures/photographs with the narrative.
What happens with the completed research?
- The completed Carters Narratives or Information Sheets will be uploaded to the Carters section of the Mini Project area in the Members Pages on the FACHRS website. (This is done in 2 tranches usually around September and the following February/March). This means that members have access to all the completed research.
- Members are encouraged to write articles for the FACHRS Newsletter not only the information based on their Carter but also on interesting tangents they have discovered during their research.
- Members also write articles for their own local history group journals or create talks that they give to family history or local history societies.
- The Mini Project Co-ordinator inputs the information to the Carters Database, the data is then analysed and a Report for the FACHRS Newsletter written.
- It is hoped to create a small book or books from the research. Whether to proceed with this will be decided by the FACHRS Committee following a report from the Mini Project Co-ordinator.
The Carters mini project will run from February 2021 to 28 February 2022.
The Carters mini project is being discussed on the FACHRS Group Facebook page (private to FACHRS members). This is a chance for members to tell each other what they have found, suggest books or internet resources to use, and just generally chat about the project.
How can you take part in the Carters mini project? It's simple you just need to be a member of FACHRS. So why not join today?
Click here
The Dictionary of Occupational Terms is available free to FACHRS members via the Members’ Pages of the FACHRS website.
It is also available to buy as a CD from the FACHRS website shop.
Click here