Purchase or Renew your annual subscription to the
Family & Community Historical Research Society.

A FACHRS subscription is valid for one year (12 months) beginning 1st February and ending on 31st January of the following calendar year. If you join the Family & Community Historical Research Society part way through a year you will receive all the issues due in that year of the Society's Journal "Family & Community History" and the Society's Newsletter. Payment can be made using either a Debit or Credit card.

Stock number

Item Description


  All prices are UK Sterling
Subs151 Renew your annual FACHRS Individual membership
(due annually February 1st)
 £ 21.00
Membership number
Subs152 Renew your annual FACHRS Family membership
(due annually February 1st)
 £ 25.00
Subs153 Join FACHRS as a new Individual member  £ 21.00
Subs154 Join FACHRS with a new Family membership  £ 25.00
Subs155 Join FACHRS with a 16 months subscription. This includes the final volume of the FACH Journal for the current year and copies of this year's newsletters as well as full benefits for the new year, including 3 print volumes of the journal and 3 newsletters.  £ 30.00
  Join or Renew a Student Membership (with appropriate evidence) please contact the Membership Secretary   New members (if you have not already downloaded the Membership Application form from the Membership page) please download it from here

© 2014-2022 Family and Community Historical Research Society Ltd. Registered Charity in England and Wales 1124571 | Registered Company in London, England 3965865